Adult Sunday School Classes 9AM

The Connection

Teacher: Josh Ferguson

Who: 20's

Room: C203 (upstairs)


Teachers: Joy Ferguson & LeAnn Westerfield

Who: 20's - 30's

Room: C202 (upstairs)

Deeply Rooted

Teachers: Nate Horner & Ryan Nall

Who: 25 - 40's

Room: old sanctuary

Kingdom Seekers

Teachers: Jimmy & Savannah Schinault

Who: 30's - 40's

Room: B102

New Covenant

Teachers: Carl Fitzgerald, John Kuegel Jr, & Jeff Johnson

Who: 40's - 50's

Room: C101


Teachers: Dusty Parker & Jim Clark

Who: 55+

Room: C102

J.O.Y Class

Teacher: Teresa Jarvis

Who: Senior Ladies

Room: B103

Revelations Class

Teacher: Steve Jarvis

Who: Senior Men

Room: B101

Grove Students Sunday School 9AM

6th grade - 12th grade
Training up the students of today to make an impact on their world.  This is a community of believers and students that are obsessed with Jesus!  They are relationally oriented and believe that true life change only happens through relationships by the power of God!

Youth Girls

Teacher: Mary Lynch

Room: The Cave (Student Ministry Room)

Youth Boys

Teacher: Wyatt Morris

Room: A107

Grove Kids Sunday School 9AM

Lenae Bell – Director of Children’s Ministries  -  lenaeb@pgbchurch.com
A vibrant children’s ministry program with weekly engagement to ensure your child’s spiritual development with age appropriate Bible study.

3rd – 5th Grades

Teachers: Senthia Santana & Theresa Towery

Room: A202

1st & 2nd Grades

Teachers: Ken & Lori Messer

Room: A203

5 yr old - K

Teachers: Vickie Lambert & Rhonda Postiglione

Room: A205

3 & 4 yr olds

Teacher: Frances Horner

Room: A206


Room: A101


Room: 102

10:30AM  Sunday School classes

Adult Sunday School Classes 10:30am


Teachers: Brannon & Jill Pendergraft

Who: 25 - 40's

Room: Old Sanctuary

The Difference

Teachers: Jenny Koger & Jason Murphy

Who: 30's - 40's

Room: old sanctuary under balcony

Friends and Followers

Teachers: Todd Brackin & Caleb York

Who: 40's-50's

Room: B102

Faithful Servants

Teachers: John Carter & Misty Baker

Who: 50's - 60's

Room: fellowship hall

JOY Rising
Teachers: Tara Contratto & Lauren Gossett

Who: women only

Room: B103

Grove Students Sunday School 10:30AM

6th grade - 12th grade
Training up the students of today to make an impact on their world.  This is a community of believers and students that are obsessed with Jesus!  They are relationally oriented and believe that true life change only happens through relationships by the power of God!

Youth Girls

Teacher: Audra Waites

Room: The Cave (Student Ministry Room)

Youth Boys

Teacher: Luke Royal

Room: A107

Grove Kids Sunday School 10:30AM

Lenae Bell – Director of Children’s Ministries  -  lenaeb@pgbchurch.com
A vibrant children’s ministry program with weekly engagement to ensure your child’s spiritual development with age appropriate Bible study.

4th & 5th Grades

Teachers: Jameson & Jessica Wicockson, Jaysie Royal

Room: A201

2nd & 3rd Grades

Teachers: Barry & Debbie Cunningham

Room: A202

5 yr old, K, & 1st Grade

Teachers: John & Tricia Hudson

Room: A207

3 & 4 yr olds

Teacher: Bryce & Shannon Hancock

Room: A206


Room: A101


Room: 102

The purpose of Sunday School is to provide fellowship that builds relationships that lead to discipleship.