
Learning to follow the teachings of Christ from the Sermon on the Mount. There is something for every child in this musical: The Queen Bee who leads the dance moves and speaks wisely about the beatitudes, the sporty bees that play buzzketball, the Royal Flowers who perform as backup singers for the queen at Buzzapalooza and the visiting Beeanca that brings us into the story. There’s also skateboarding wasps and delightfully self-absorbed birds, the Summer Tanagers, who are “Gen Beak” and have their own language that sound suspiciously like Gen Z’s modern slang of today. Above all, every bee gets to be reminded, or learn for the first time, about the truths that Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount. They learn about receiving God’s mercy, and then showing it to others. They learn about hungering and thirsting for righteousness, as well as learning what it means to be poor in spirit. They learn about loving enemies, and also learning that it's ok to be sad when things hurt, and the God will walk with them until they feel better. This musical is full of sweet truths that you and your kids will be singing for many years to come!


+Happy Hiveland (Buzzapalooza, The Tree Zone)



*Tryouts for solos and speaking parts are anticipated to be around the end of February and will be announced soon.

Speaking Characters:


Beeanca - spunky, cute, younger cousin visiting

Rubee - happy, bubbly, friendly bee

Tobee - sporty bee

Abbee - energetic friendly

Kirbee - no nonsense military type bee-on the brigade

Phoebee - super fan of Queen Bee and Royal Flowers

Queen Bee - the Queen

Flora - Royal Flower, Queens court

Announcer Bee  - (announces Queen Bee) 1 line

Bee 1 - 1 line


Summer 1 - self absorbed, bored, red, “gen-beak”

Summer 2 - self absorbed, bored, red, “gen-beak”

Summer 3 - self absorbed, bored, red, “gen-beak”


Wilder - Wasp skater

Winona - Wasp skater

Other nonspeaking roles:

Queen Bee Body Guard

Walker Wasp

Additional Skating Wasps

Bee Tap Dancers (opening song)

Swing Dancing Flowers

Buzzketball Players (scene 3)

Bees that can proficiently dribble basketballs in time (Song, “Mercy of God”)

Royal Flower Dancers

Umbrella Dancers


Bee Attitudes - Solo 1-2

Queen Bee Song - Queen Bee, Royal Flowers, Optional Solo 1-2

The Summer Tanagers - The Summer Tanagers

The Mercy of God - Solo 1-2

Love God - Solo 1-4; Queen Bee

The Wasp Way - Wilder, Winona, Wasp 1

Great is Thy Faithfulness - Solo 1-2

The Lord’s Prayer - Solo 1-2